标题:Plastic Hopper Dryer
日期:2020-06-08 16:00:57

1 How To Adjust The Temperature?
Refer to the drying temperature reference table for plastic materials and appropriately adjust the scale of the temperature controller. The temperature at which the bimetal thermometer reacts corresponds to the actual desired temperature.
2 How To Adjust The air flow?
The adjustment of the air flow has a great effect on drying. Generally, the effect is best when the blower runs at full power. When there is not enough material in the hopper, or when a higher temperature is required, then adjust the air flow to save energy. Otherwise, the expected drying effect cannot be achieved.
3 How To Feed In The Raw Material?
1) When feeding raw material into the hopper, to ensure that the amount of raw materials should not be less than 70% of the total capacity, so as to avoid uneven and bad drying effect.
2) Drying of transparent raw materials
To dry transparent plastic pellets, an air filter must be installed at the air inlet to prevent dust from entering the air

  1. preheat the hopper
Before loading, the hopper is heated for about 10-20 minutes to dry the internal moisture.

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